Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brainstorm... and a winner!

I talked to my principal today, basically just to tell her up front that I was open to considering 3rd grade. (I know, open to considering- I'm so committed.) I told her my reservations.

She said she might also consider having me do one more year in 2nd, and then move to 3rd the year after that, since there would be openings. (If, of course, I don't move away.) She said she definitely thinks I could do third, and I get the feeling that she might like to try me there- but, just like me, she thinks having another year in the same grade level to really "lock it down" might be good for me as a new teacher, too.

Things are still very up in the air, but I'm glad I talked to her and it's nice to hear that she believes I could do it. It's just hard to know if I want to, though!

Thanks for the advice, too! A couple of you left such thoughtful responses. Chrissy- the testing is part of what I'm worried about. That's a lot more pressure! But looping and starting right from the get go could be fantastic. Tammy- if I do end up in 3rd, you and I will dive in together! I completely know what you mean about making resources that match the reading stories, though! I would be in the same boat- recreating homework, newsletters, and some activities.

Anyway. I'm sure all 11 of you have probably been dying for me to stop jabbering on and tell you who the WINNER is already!

Since there were so few entries, I counted the number of people who entered to randomize, and the last one who commented is Liz Langhoff, who hates horizontal plan books as much as I do!

Yay Liz! I'll be emailing you soon (even though I know you may not need your template just yet!).

In other news, my school has been raising money this week to donate books to those affected by the tornadoes in Henryville, Indiana. I showed them a slideshow of pictures not long after it happened, and ever since, my kids have been all about wanting to help. The third grade has raised money through their popcorn sales, and the book fair committee started a "One for Books" change drive, but my class still wants to do something more.

Two of the kids got together over a weekend and went door-to-door selling Dum-Dums for donations. They made almost $30. How sweet is that!

One of them mentioned a lemonade stand as something our class could do together to raise money, and I think we are actually going to do it. There's even a day where our whole school walks or runs a mile, and the principal suggested we do it that day. I have a great group of parents who would happy to help me set it up and supervise it, but otherwise I want to get the kids involved as much as possible.

This will be in the last few weeks of school, when the kids are a little stir-crazy and it's hard to feel like a lot of learning is really happening, so I'm excited to use this as an opportunity to sneak in lots of learning. Plus, we're helping others and having a great time. Win-win-win!

My brainstormed ideas for learning so far:
- List and estimate the cost needed for our supplies.
- Talk about capital, and decide where we will get our capital. (Most likely, it will be the classroom fund that I haven't dipped into yet just because I always forget to turn in receipts. Could also ask the PTA to be an "investor.")
- Write a business letter to local businesses asking them to donate necessary supplies.
- Write a friendly letter to parents, asking them to help.
- Set up a Google Doc form or online sign-up (together) that parents will use to volunteer.
- Create a schedule for the volunteers and assign jobs to them.
- Create advertisements for throughout the school- including video (that I can send through email), written (to send parents in an email), posters, and audio for over the announcements.
- Write a press release to send to the local TV, radio, and newspapers. (How amazing would it be to get this covered?)
- Follow recipe directions to make lemonade (practicing measurement!)
- Do a science experiment concerning the basics of concentration - and "taste test" our lemonade!
- Multiply the recipe to see how much we will need by way of supplies.
- Make change.
- Count the money we make.
- Subtract the cost of our capital to find our profit.
- Write thank you notes to anyone who helps.
- Write letters to Henryville students and teachers to send along with our donations!

Any other ideas for ways to maximize our learning with a lemonade stand? I'm checking out a program called Lemonade Day to see how that works...

Also, if I end up doing this from my own materials, is this something other people would be interested in me sharing? I could actually see this being a really useful unit...


  1. This sounds like such a great idea! :) You could also have your kids write persuasive letters to you explaining what kind of job they would like to "apply" for in your lemonade stand and why they would be best for their job.

    This looks really fun! Can't wait to hear about how it goes. :) I'm your newest follower. :)

    Second Grade Sugar and Spice

    1. oops! When I copy/pasted my link it added the newest follower bit - I'm not your newest follower hahah! I was already a follower of course! :)

  2. Your lemonade stand sound like a ton of fun! I can see the posters and advertising now.

    Congratulations to the lucky winner of your lesson plan giveaway! I am wondering if you would share the format (as is without changes).

    I looked for a "contact me" link to write to you privately, but couldn't find one. Hope this is OK.



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