Monday, April 23, 2012

oops! and grumpytimes

Today I'm feeling a little grumpy. Unlike Grumpy Cat (great book!), it's not because I don't have friends- but I could use some advice. Those of you who have had to make retention decisions before... any advice on how you know the right call, or how it's worked out for those kids in the past? I can't post details, of course, but I'm struggling with it right now.

Anyway, this makes me think of something I find really important as a teacher- but I'm not sure everyone does. I'm curious to hear what you think!

One thing I always try to get my students to understand is that adults aren't perfect. We have bad mornings sometimes, or don't sleep well, or have a stomachache, or have people we don't love working with, or make mistakes, and we still have to deal with it and do our jobs!

I think some teachers try SO hard to put on a happy face and pretend everything is okay when it's not, and honestly, while I don't think you should sulk, I don't think it's a terrible thing to let the kids know when something is on your mind. (Especially since they can probably tell anyway!)

I don't do it often, but every great once in awhile I've called the kids over to the carpet to start our day and said something like, "I have to admit something. I have a really awful headache today, and it's making me feel a little grumpy and impatient. But I am still here, and even though I don't feel great, I'm going to try my best to smile and have an awesome day!" And I try to suck it up, and usually they take the hint that they should probably be on their best behavior because I mayyyy not be as patient as normal.

Sometimes I think teachers are afraid to let kids see their 'weaknesses,' but I make it a point to talk all year about how every person has things that come easier to them, and things that are more difficult for them. Why wouldn't I let them see that I have challenges, too?

We all make mistakes. And I think it's important for kids to see adults model how to handle mistakes, or a rough morning, or not feeling good. They need to see that we don't shut down, even when we feel like it!

On that note, here's a mistake I made.

After my husband and I dyed Easter eggs (because it's our first married Easter and we're trying to do ALL the holiday things!), I decided that this beautiful blue dye shouldn't just go to waste.

I decided to try to make one of the Shakers that Denise over at Sunny Days in Second Grade created. I even had a "Simply Lemonade" bottle ready to go. I put some rice in a bag with the dye and shook it up.

Pretty blue color! Yay! I poured it out onto paper towels...

...And didn't think about the fact that paper towels would wrinkle up.

Um, oops.

This is after I shook off the rice that would come off on its own. I picked off some of it... but gave up on a lot of the rest.

Oh well. Rice isn't all that expensive. Could've been a lot worse!

Also, do you tell the kids when you're in a bad mood, for whatever reason, or am I weird?


  1. I tell the kiddos! I hope that by doing it they will understand if I am a little crankier than usual.... I think that its totally normal. Thanks for joining. I just did too.


  2. I've been known to warn my kids that I don't feel well or am having a rough day. I think they deserve to know that we have days like that, too.

    Oh My Little Classity Class


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