Thursday, October 4, 2012

Currently... Worn Out!

I know some teachers who LOVE October because there are so many different holidays and things to do, but I feel like I have way too much to fit in right now. Anyone else with me?

Pumpkins, Said-is-Dead, leaf changes, owl pellets, Red Ribbon Week (hero theme), Book It, pumpkin book reports, animal adaptations, farmer's market field trip, airport field trip, election... it is way too much to fit in.

I will get there, and honestly, I'm having a blast- but whew. It is wearing me out!

I have a To Do list that just keeps growing, and I've had two nights this week where I just *crashed* because I was exhausted by the time I got home and ate dinner. An extra couple of days tacked on to the weekend would do a lot for me!

My favorite fall book isn't exactly a fall book, but it's one I use to teach about Veterans' Day. If you've never read Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, a Marine, and a Miracle, order a copy from Amazon and curl up with a box of tissues. It is a heartbreakingly sweet story of the dog who found a Marine Major and followed him over 70 miles in the Middle East.
 Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, a Marine & a Miracle
It's a beautiful story, and an uplifting way to talk about soldiers and what they do for us.

Since the To Do List is looking overwhelming, I'm starting with 3 Things To Do Tonight. If I get more done, great, but here's the Must Do's:
- Grade spelling tests.
- Grade math tests.
- Re-vamp the pumpkin book report to send home with my students tomorrow!

Do you have 3 Things To Do Tonight?


  1. I am right there with you as far as October goes. I love the month since it kicks of fall and the holiday season, but it is kicking my butt and we are only four days in! I am the middle school cheer sponsor and we have games to cheer at tonight and tomorrow night, plus I've got grades due on Tuesday! Yikes!

    The blog is super cute! I am your newest follower!

    Another Day in the Silver Mines

  2. I have tons of stuff to grade too! I hear ya ;)
    I found you through Currently!
    I am a new follower :)
    Miss Elementary

  3. I LOVE Nubs!! Great, great story. I hope you got a lot done this weekend!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  4. HI Jenny!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I can't wait to have more time myself to explore yours :)
    I teach 2nd grade currently but have taught Kindergarten, and 1st also.
    So happy to be your newest follower!!
    Love, Laughter and Lesson Plans


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