Friday, June 7, 2013

Username and Password Reference Sheet Freebie!

It’s been a busy few days! I think I’m still in denial that I don’t yet have a classroom for next year, because I keep pinning classroom ideas and having to talk myself out of school shopping.
We just got back from a few days of staying with in-laws and apartment shopping in our new area.

Thankfully, it’s only about 3 hours away, but with summer school starting up tomorrow and moving time coming up quick, we needed to check out places to live pretty fast. 21 properties in 2 days, but we just heard back that we were approved for our top choice so we officially have somewhere to live!


I don’t think a vacation (well, one longer than a weekend) is going to happen this summer… but when I do go, I have to have some great books, my camera, and a GPS. I’m notoriously bad with directions!

Any book suggestions for this summer? :) I tend to enjoy deep books that are intense and make me cry, because I'm a weirdo like that! But some fluff is always fun too. Right now I'm reading this one, which has some interesting brain stuff that I'm LOVING as a teacher.


In other news, I'm getting started packing up my room. Last year, I posted Ten Things Every Teacher Should Do at the End of the Year, and I'm working on one of them right now- writing down my computer logins and passwords so I don't forget them by August! I decided that I should put these in my teacher binder, so I made a cute template. You can grab it for free here.

 Whew- teaching summer school and planning an out-of-state move in less than 3 weeks is wearing me out... but happy Friday!


  1. Good luck with your job hunting. I write my passwords in a little notebook I bought from the dollar bin at Michael's. Cute form for your teacher binder!
    You have loads of fun stress ahead of you {not jealous}. I will be checking back to see how your move and job hunt go...

  2. You seem like such a great teacher, you will do great!

    Sarah from Third Grade Skinny

  3. Oh my goodness 21 apartments in two days! Good luck with your move and job search, I'm sure you'll do great!

    Beach Teach

  4. I never know my passwords, so this is going to be such a great thing to have. Thanks so much for sharing! Wish you the best of luck with the apartment and job search.

  5. Hi Jenny! Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a ton of great posts on yours....I can't wait to read through them. I would love to connect with you later. Best wishes on your job hunt. If your blog is any evidence, you will find something that is just right you and the district will be blessed to have you on board!

  6. Good luck with your move and job hunt! Thanks for sharing the great freebie! I wrote all of my usernames and passwords in a notebook last week, but this form is sooo much cuter!! :)


  7. I love your password list, I totally pinned in on pinterest so that I can actually remember to print it in August. Good luck in the job hunting, I know how stressful that can be. Plus moving. Sounds like me life two summers ago.


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