Monday, September 16, 2013

Positive Points Monday!

This time of the year, it is so easy for teachers to get overwhelmed! Setting up classroom management routines, meeting a new class, and all of the craziness that is the beginning of the school year is hard enough, but almost every teacher I know is implementing at least one MAJOR new thing (curriculum materials, standards, tests, evaluation systems… or all of the above!). I bet a lot of you, like me, are starting a new position at a new school- and that means a lot of change! (If you’re a new teacher, there’s even MORE!)

My friend Sarah at Permanently Primary is on a mission to combat the negativity with a Positive Points link-up. I LOVE this idea- I’m an optimist at heart and I think paying attention to the positives really makes a difference in your happiness!

And Monday is the PERFECT time for some positivity, right?

  1. I got my first paycheck at my new job!
  2. In my new position, I don’t have to bring grading home.
  3. The Packers won last night! (SO happy it’s football season again.)
  4. I get to work with 2nd graders again! I’d forgotten how much fun the younger kids can be—one interrupted my lesson the other day to ask if he could just stay with me all day. Can’t get mad at him for interrupting when THAT’s the reason :)
  5. With moving out of state, I was worried it might take me awhile to make new friends here, but last week I met up with Emily from Curious Firsties. We went to an educator expo at the zoo, ate delicious food (including yummy cookies), and then browsed through children’s books at a bookstore. Perfect teacher-friend night!
  6. I am almost done with my F&P assessments!
  7. My husband and I are very good friends with a couple who just announced they’re having a baby, and I am so excited for them! A couple of my other friends have recently bought houses or adopted new doggies, too- just makes me so happy!
  8. My 5th grade group is answering questions in complete sentences! YES! (I used my Turning The Question Around pack with them and it’s paying off!)

What good things are happening in your life right now? If you blog, link up with Sarah. If not, please share in the comments or on our Facebook page.

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