Monday, August 11, 2014

It’s SHARK WEEK! {including a freebie!}

All teachers know that kids learn more when they’re excited and engaged. Today a team of bloggers come together to help your students take a BITE out of learning with a theme your students are sure to love!


One way I help my students get excited about learning is to add their names into my lesson examples and our math problems whenever I can. It helps spark their interest and sometimes I can show something I know about them (for instance, if I know Danny plays soccer, I can do a math problem about his minutes of soccer practice).

Of course, picking topics the students are interested in always helps, too!

Slide 10.png

My Shark Week freebie is a multisyllabic word game featuring the phonics pattern "-ar." My multisyllabic word games are all about helping kids "chunk" and decode bigger words! In this game, the "ar" is underlined in the word to help kids recognize the pattern, while still giving them practice with decoding longer words. Of course, to make the card game fun, there are some "SHARK BITE!" and "DOLPHIN RESCUE!" cards thrown in!

This game makes a perfect center or Word Work game. My RTI and tutoring kids LOVED this kind of game last year!

Click HERE to try it out for FREE!

Be sure to go for a swim in the linky party below. Every blog in the jawsome Shark Week Blog Hop features a fishy freebie for you and your students- but hurry! Shark Week only lasts until Sunday, August 17th  : )


  1. I do the same thing with my kids names! They love seeing their names in math word problems! Thanks for the freebie!

    Christina Marie :)
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  2. Jenny, what a FUN game which features a great word chunk that students can always use review with :) Thank you so much xo

    Laura Love to Teach

  3. This is awesome. Love the idea and how we make teaching concepts work for the students. I'm not even going to leave a bad shark pun.


  4. I do the same with my kiddos names anytime the opportunity arises.
    Thanks for the Shark Bite freebie! Went to tpt to try and give feedback but couldn't locate it with the link you supplied or when I typed it in.

    1. Thanks so much! I hope you were still able to grab the freebie. I hosted it on Dropbox for now, so it's not in my TpT store yet :) Thanks for trying to give feedback, though!



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