Sunday, March 11, 2012

Currently- first time linking up!

I love reading these and getting to know other bloggers. After some interesting revelations about the new Paint (seriously?! I can't re-select a text box?!), I've done Farley's Currently link-up!

During the next two days, I am spending a ridiculous amount of time in airports for the shortest Spring Break trip imaginable, but I'm still excited to be doing something. My husband is still in school and he and I actually have the same Spring Break this year! He has an interview for an internship, and I'm tagging along on the trip (flying standby, though, so I'm hopeful I won't get bumped).

Once I'm back, it's time to tackle ALL the grading, finally getting my name officially changed (even though my wedding was over six months ago), and trying to get my apartment and classroom at least a LITTLE better organized! (I'd love to get a freebie out here, too, but we'll see if that happens!)

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy some reading (which I never seem to get to outside of breaks these days) and relaxing (even if that is in an airport, or three). I just finished Room and loved it- any book suggestions pick up at the library tomorrow before we head out?


  1. So glad you left your blog address so I could follow you! Thanks so much for your comments - they are so positive they make my day. I really do appreciate it!
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  2. Oh, my gosh - this is embarrassing. should've combined these comments, but I just thought of recommending The Best Endings blog to you for book recommendations. *Room was so good.

  3. This is most likely too late, but I really enjoyed The Birth House and The Virgin Cure both by Ami McKay.
    I found you through the Currently linky party and am your newest follower.

    Enjoy your trip!



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