Well, back when I first started blogging, one of my first followers was Deb from a blog called Oh My Little Classity Class. She would leave sweet comments on my posts when I thought no one was reading.
If you're not a follower of Deb's, you may not know that her beautiful family has been thrown a huge challenge.
Deb's son, Kenton, was just recently diagnosed
with AML Leukemia.
with AML Leukemia.
Deb has spent the last few weeks at the hospital alongside her son as he faces treatment, and he was just sent home after finishing the first round of chemo. You can read updates at Team Kenton on Facebook or at the Team Kenton Blog.
Here's where we come in.
Kenton is going through intense cancer treatments right now that are making his hair fall out. Deb posted a few days ago that he was worried what people would think about his hair.
I plan on sending Kenton a hat- and I'm hoping you will, too!
From Deb-
"Kenton LOVES country anything - farming, horses, animals, tractors (JOHN DEERE!!). . .he loves baseball and being outside. His favorite color is John Deere Green.

Here's how you can help:
- Send Kenton a hat. It can be a hat based on the things he likes, a hat you've made, a hat from your area of the country or world, a "cool" hat for a 10-year-old, a goofy hat to make him laugh, or even something else that you think will help him occupy his time in the hospital!
- Send his little sister McKayslin something little, like stickers, jewelry, chapstick, coloring books, etc. As Deb put it, she "didn't realize how much this diagnosis affects the entire family."
- Send letters and cards for the kids AND parents, too!
If you're not able to send something right now, that's okay!
You could still help Kenton or someone like him by giving blood, spreading the word about Hats for Kenton, posting some encouragement and well wishes on the Team Kenton pages, and of course- please keep Kenton and the whole Reynolds family in your thoughts and prayers.
Are you interested in helping? Fill out the Hats for Kenton form here, and please share the cause on your own blog by snagging the graphic below:
Michelle from The 3AM Teacher was kind enough to design this custom graphic for us- isn't she wonderful? (Please pop over to thank her, and let me know if my HTML isn't working- first time trying this!)
Thank you SO much for your help. As Deb told me...
Thank you SO much for your help. As Deb told me...
"We are really so blessed by all the love and support we're receiving. I don't know how people get through this without it! Thank you!"
Remember, if you would like to send a package, please fill out the Hats for Kenton form here!
Let's send Kenton and his family a LOT of love!
I just blogged about Kenton and linked to your page. I will be sending a package! Thanks for putting this together. I love Deb and hope her family feels our love!
This is wonderful, Jenny!
ReplyDeleteDelighted in Second
I love this! Thank you so much, Jenny!! :)
ReplyDeleteI will blog about this on my page tomorrow and definitely something together for this sweet family~
ReplyDeleteThis is such a wonderful idea!! I just signed up to help! I will blog about this.
You are so thoughtful! Deb is my cousin and was just starting to sell her downloads in my online store http://www.latter-daycrafters.com I will add this to my blogging too, in the next couple of days.
ReplyDeleteWow! You're right about the blogging community....I love the fact how we help one another out!
ReplyDeleteI've left you an award on my blog...please come check it out!
Adventures in Second Grade
You are awesome to be organizing this. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThink all night…..Teach all day
I have been really impressed by going through this awesome blog. hat